Thursday, August 14, 2008

Councilman Jack Evans Uses Dead Wife to Solicit Votes

So I am sitting here at Flack U. headquarters in Washington, D.C. and I get a "robocall" from DC councilman Jack Evans, who is up for re-election next month. I stopped listening after the first, poorly read sentence.

"Hi this is councilman Jack Evans. Since my wife died 5 years ago, I know how hard it can be to balance budgets..."

WTF? I've always liked Evans and have voted for him a few times but this is bad.

First, it is in terrible taste. You got some bad campaign advice on this one.

Second, Evans also gets at least $240,000 from his employer, evil DC law firm Patton Boggs. I find it hard to believe that you know first hand how tough it is to keep to a budget.