Friday, November 9, 2007

Maybe this will convince you to shut the F*** Up!!

I spend a lot of time on Amtrak commuting back and forth between Flack U.'s campus and exotic destinations like Metro Park and Framingham. Most of that time I spend on my laptop with my Sprint PCS card. I love the train, but it can get boring. Usually, there is at least one person on the train who sees no problem with sharing is cell phone conversation with everyone around him.

When the conversation sounds interesting, I play a little game to see how much I can find out about this person via Google based on the info they are giving out on their side of the conversation.

Yesterday, there was a guy behind me yammering away. The only two bits of info I had was that he was in the PR industry and the first and last name of an employee of his who just quit. It took about 3 minutes on Google and Facebook to find out that the "talker" is president of a PR shop in Florida, he used to be an editor at a major daily, where he lives, where he was born, and where he went to school, his favorite drink, plus a bunch of other stuff. We started chatting later and he began to tell me about himself. My eyes started to glaze over as I thought, "Dude, if you only knew what I know about you."

Good times.