Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Possibly the Coolest PR Job Ever

Tired of pitching some lame new "revolutionary" tech product? Have secret a secret desire to live the life of Jason Bourne? Well, USAID is looking for a Communications Coordinator in their Civilian Response Corps.

"The Active Component of the Civilian Response Corps (CRC-A) is a team of first responders with a wide range of skills whose primary responsibilities are to train, plan for, provide direct support to, and conduct USG R&S operations in foreign countries or regions that are at risk of, in, or transitioning from violent conflict or civil strife."

Okay, sound interesting. Now a few of the requirements:

Incumbent may be deployed to remote and/or isolated locations around the world under arduous conditions. If selected for this position, you must be available for overseas deployment within 48 hours for up to 6 months.

Okay, I like travel, but it is just going to be typical flack work, right?

"You are also likely to work long hours, with no R&R opportunities, in isolated conditions and be under personal threat of counterintelligence operations, crime, terrorism, kidnapping, ongoing and intrusive surveillance."

Yeah, but I'll be working out of a secure office, right?

"Deployments may be to the most isolated and restricted overseas locations, including combat zones, and may involve embedding with U.S. or international military or peacekeeping units."

Do I get to travel first class?

"Incumbent will be transported in off-road vehicles, helicopters, military troop transport aircraft, or other types of military transportation and will be wearing/carrying heavy protective, emergency and communications equipment, items of which could weigh up to 40 pounds."

Cool!! Do I need to undergo any special PR training?

"A mandatory training (up to 8 weeks per year) that includes medical first aid, field maneuvers on foot, weapons familiarization, surveillance detection and evasion and evacuation drills"

Calling all weekend warriors and wanna-be James Bonds in the PR world.